NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC JULY 2018THE BIG IDEA30 Years ofClimate LessonsAs the problemof human-drivenclimate change hasgrown, the responsehas not kept pace.BY ANDREW REVKIN``````Wild Gems of RussiaRussia has imposed itsstrictest land-use pro-tections on 85 millionacres. Thatâs more thanany other countryâand only the beginningof the story.PHOTOGRAPHS BYSERGEY GORSHKOV``````PROOF EMBARK EXPLORE
## 17### 830TOOL KITCreating the WorldWhat does it take tomodel Earth? Peerinto the tool kit of abespoke globemaker.BY NINA STROCHLIC``````DECODERClean Energyin a Coal MineIn Germany an old minemay become an under-ground battery forwind and solar energy.BY JASON TREAT``````ALSOGetting to RwenzoriShe Shields SharksArmadillo Amour``````On the CoverSwimmer Katie Ledecky,a five-time Olympic goldmedalist, is known for hertough work ethic, but shealso relies on sports scienceto improve performance.PHOTOS BY JOHN HUET
CONTENTSALSOYour Home Is BuggedHow Birds Predict QuakesSoccer-Star Map``````GENIUSLandscape ActivismKate Orff designs resil-ient coasts and water-ways for the future.BY RACHEL HARTIGAN SHEA
martin jones
(Martin Jones)