National Geographic

(Martin Jones) #1

FEATURES Faster. Higher.Smarter. Stronger.Scientists are pushingthe limits of humanathletic performance.BY CHRISTINE BRENNAN......................................P. 4 2``````Predatorsin the NightMeat-eating batshaunt a Maya temple.BY VIRGINIA MORELLPHOTOGRAPHSBY ANAND VARMA.......................................P. 7 2``````DISPATCHESPower StrugglePuerto Rico is recover-ing from the longestblackout in U.S. history.BY DAVID BRINDLEYPHOTOGRAPHS BYCAROL GUZY ..............P. 1 0 4``````Lost at SeaRarely seen seabirdsare suffering declines.BY JONATHAN FRANZENPHOTOGRAPHSBY THOMAS P. PESCHAK.....................................P. 1 1 0``````Faces of the FutureIn the United Statestoday, Latinos area major focus of theimmigration debate.But in communitiesnationwide, they’reestablished, rising topower, and offeringa glimpse of what’sahead for the nation.BY HÉCTOR TOBARPHOTOGRAPHSBY KARLA GACHETAND IVAN KASHINSKY......................................P. 8 6JULY | CONTENTS

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