The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques

(Darren Dugan) #1



Before correction fluids and pen became
widely available on the market it was very
difficult to correct a pen, brush, and ink
drawing. One used a Chinese white, which
was zinc white prepared paint that was
painted over the offending area. However,
the stain from the ink would often keep
showing through. You could also remove the
mistake from the paper by using a razor
blade or a pumice stone. One could only use
this method if the paper was durable
enough. However we thankfully have
modern correction fluids and pens that will
cover the strongest of marks without any
problems, and they are permanent. The pen
can be used to cover very intricate work and
as a drawing instrument in its own right. The
applicator can be used to cover very large
areas where radical changes are needed in a


Bleach wash drawings Some very
interesting results can be achieved by using
fountain pen ink. You must first stretch the
paper on which you are about to do the
drawing, then cover the whole surface with a
liberal coating of ink. Allow this to dry. You
can now paint different solutions of bleach
onto this surface. An important point to
remember is that the stronger the bleach the
lighter the areas will become. Before
embarking on this technique, you should
make some practice drawings to experience
the unusual effect first-hand. For examples
of this type of drawing, see page 199.
WARNING: Please remember the health and
safety aspects when using chemicals: always
read and follow the guidelines for use.

Pen, brush and ink drawingsFor this
type of drawing you should first draw the
composition out very lightly with pencil.
Make the appropriate marks to describe the
scene and then correct any mistakes. If you
are happy with this initial drawing, go over
these marks using your dip pen. Always try to
recreate the varied use of mark already
there, then proceed to go over the drawing
with washes to give it its tonal base.

Pen, ink, brush and correction
materialsAs in the previous section we are
going to use correction materials as a
positive element alongside the other


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