The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques

(Darren Dugan) #1


sideways across the paper getting lighter as it
reaches the other end. Then there is a strange
little star with feet followed by two forms
drawn with line and then a squiggly line
drawn down one side to suggest tone. That is
what happens on the top line of this sheet.
There are no hard and fast rules that apply to
making doodles - you just do them and enjoy
doing them. Ever since man has made his
mark on the cave wall or in the earth we have
instinctively jotted things down whether
representational or not. This is just the
modern day equivalent of that need to make
a mark, and a lot can be gained from it that
does not have preciousness to it and
sometimes does not have meaning to it. See it
as a natural experience that comes from the
instinctive act of drawing.


On this page you will notice a series of
doodles with the ballpoint pen. Starting in the
top left hand corner I will describe the top line
of marks, and explain the type of marks.
However, bear in mind that many drawings
done with this type of pen are from the
subconscious mind and are really scribbles
that are made whilst we should be focusing
our attention elsewhere. We usually do these
drawings in boring meetings or on the phone
pad when we are having a long conversation
with someone.
The first mark is a circular scribbled line
that proceeds down. The second doodle is a
gestural line drawing of a head. Next to that
are a series of small vertical lines, with a series
of horizontal lines crossing them. Then next
to that is an unbroken line that moves

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