The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques

(Darren Dugan) #1



The next example is a line and tone
drawing which derives much of its
impact from knocking back with an
eraser, a method that is particularly
appropriate for figurative portrait
work; you will find examples of its
use in the drawings of Auerbach and
Giacometti. You may find it a bit
strange at first to reach a certain
point and then have to rub out what
you have just done, but after
spending time practising with the
technique you will begin to see what
can be achieved with it.

1/ Establish the form using a
continuous line (i.e. not taking the
graphite from the paper while you
draw) and following the shape of the
figure. Imagine you are actually
drawing your line on the person.

2/Place gestural tone over the line.
Gauge the strength and extra
dimension it can bring to your

3/ Using the eraser in a diagonal
direction, go over the drawing and
rub out what you have just done.
This will set the portrait back into the
picture plane and also give it

4/You can now re-establish the tone
and some of the line, imparting to it
a sense of drama, space and
expression which will hold the
drawing together.


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