The Biography of the Prophet

(Axel Boer) #1

The Prophet (r) then spurred the camel to move. The camel immediately sprang up on
her legs, but changed her direction and started off towards Hudaybiyah. She came to a halt
in a place at which end there was a ditch that had but little water. Certain persons com-
plained to the Prophet (r) that they were thirsty. He took out an arrow from his sheath and
asked them to throw it in the ditch. Thereupon, water started gushing out quenching every-
one’s thirst. (Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. p. 381).


The Quraysh were in a dither when they learned that the Prophet (r) had pitched his
camp so near to Makkah. But as the Prophet (r) had no intention of fighting the Quray-
shites, he thought it fit to send one of his companions to remove their apprehensions. He
sent for 'Umar to depute him to Makkah, but 'Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah (r), there is
none of Bani 'Adiy b. K'ab in Makkah who may protect me in case the Quraysh decided to lay
hands on me." 'Umar also suggested that 'Uthman might be sent as his entire clan was there
and he could very well deliver the message. 'Uthman was then summoned by the Prophet
(r) and sent to the Quraysh to tell them that he had not come for war but merely for per-
forming the 'Umrah. The Prophet (r) also asked 'Uthman to invite the Quraysh to Islam and
to cheer the believing men and women still in Makkah with the glad tidings that God was
about to make their religion victorious when they would not be required to conceal their
faith. (Zad al-Ma'ad, Vol. I, p. 381)


Uthman went to Makkah and delivered the message of the Prophet (r) to Abu Sufyan and
other leaders of the Quraysh. After the Makkans had heard the message brought by ‘Uth-
man they said. “If you want to go round the holy sanctuary, you may do so.” ‘Uthman, how-
ever, replied, “I won’t do so until the Prophet (r) has gone round the K’aba” (Ibn Hisham,
Vol. II, p. 135)

later, after his return from Makkah, certain Muslims said to him, “Abu ‘Abdullah, you have
been fortunate enough to fulfill your heart’s desire by going round the K’aba.” Don’t be
unfair to me,’ replied ‘Uthman. “I declare by Him who holds my life that if I were detained
there for a whole year and the Prophet (r) were to remain in Hudaybiyah, I would not have
gone round the K’aba until the Prophet (r) had done so. Frankly speaking, the Quraysh did
invite me to circumambulate the House of God, but I declined.” (Zad al-Ma’ad, Vol. I, p.

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