The Biography of the Prophet

(Axel Boer) #1

Normalcy returned thereafter. The initial shock and grief gave way to tranquility and con-
fidence and the Muslims again turned to the great task for which they had been trained and
prepared by the Prophet (r) of Allah. The Prophet's family members washed and covered
him, and stationed the bier in his house. On this occasion, Abu Bakr informed the people
that the Prophet (r) told him that every Prophet was buried on the spot where he dies. The
Prophet's bedding was accordingly removed from the place and Abu Talha Ansari then dug a
grave for him at the same spot.

Then the people came to pay their last respects to the Prophet (r) and to say the funeral
prayer in batches one after another. Women came in after the men followed by the child-
ren, all of whom prayed over him. Nobody acted as Imam in the prayers over the Prophet
(r). (Ibn Hisham, Vol. II, p. 663)

The day this came to pass was Tuesday. (Tabaqat Ibn Sa'd; Ibn Kathir, Vol. IV, p. 517)
It was a sad day for Madinah. When Bilal gave the call for morning prayer he could not
help recalling the Prophet (r) in his mind and broke down in tears and sobs. His crying tore
the hearts of all others who had been part of the living. But, it was quite different now, as
everything seemed to be wearisome, gloomy.

Umm Salama says, “What a tormenting affliction it was! When we recall the distress we
were in, every other trouble appears to be lighter and easier to endure.’ (Ibn Kathir, Vol.
IV, pp. IV, p. 517)

The Prophet (r) had once said to the believers, “O ye people! If any one of you comes to
grief, he ought to console himself in his bereavement by recalling to his mind the anguish
that will rend his heart on my death. For no sorrow would be greater to my followers than
the agony caused to them by my death.” (Ibn Kathir Vol. IV, p. 549)

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