The event is, at the same time, indicative of the comprehensiveness of the Prophet's Pro-
phethood, the place accorded to his followers in the great task of humanity’s guidance and
the distinctive character of his message.
The ascension of the Prophet (r) represents a demarcation line between the regional,
limited and variable rules of divine guidance entrusted to the Prophets of old and the global,
comprehensive and abiding principles of faith conferred to the universal leader of human
race. Had the Prophet (r) been a sectional or regional guide, a national leader, the savior of
any particular race or the restorer of the glory of any particular people, there would have
been no need to honor him with ascension to the heavens nor would he have been required
to perceive the hidden phenomena of the Heavens and the earth. Nor would it have been
necessary to create a new link between the celestial and the earthly surface of the Divine
Kingdom; in that case the confines of his own land, his surroundings environs and the times
would have been sufficient enough and there would have been no need for him to divert his
attention to any other land or country. Neither his ascension to the most sublime regions of
the Heavens and to the “Lote-Tree of the Farthest Limit” nor even the nocturnal journey to
the far away Jerusalem, then in the grip of the powerful Christian Empire of Byzantium,
would have been necessary at all.
The ascension of the Prophet (r) was a divine proclamation that he had nothing to do
with the category of national or political leaders whose endeavours are limited to their own
country and nation. For they serve the nations and races to which they belong and are a
product of their time, they serve the need of a particular juncture. The Prophet (r) of Islam,
on the contrary, belonged to the luminous line of the Messengers of God who communicate
the inspired message of Heaven to the earth. They are links between God and his creatures.
Their messages transcend the limitations of time and space, race and color and country or
nation, for they are meant for the exaltation of man irrespective of color, race or country.
On this occasion, God made fifty prayers a day obligatory for the Prophet (r) and his fol-
lowers. The Prophet (r) constantly implored God for the reduction of the burden of prayers
until the Lord was also pleased to limit these to only five times daily. The Lord was also
pleased to declare that whoever properly performs these five times daily prayers would be
recompensed for all the fifty daily prayers enjoined earlier. (Al-Bukhaari, Kitab-us-Salat)