Five methods of dispute resolution (including court-based) help us to
look at the way lawyers’ reason and the process adopted by a court in
reaching a decision in a given situation.
In the urban areas, dispute resolution is almost entirely taken up with
litigation. This is because synonym bonds are weak and most times,
people have looked to the courts to resolve disputes. In the rural areas,
dispute resolution is still largely informal. In recent times and in both
urban and rural sectors, potential litigants, and even lawyers, have
turned to other means of resolving disputes. They have become
concerned at the cost of litigation (both in human and money terms), thetime taken for resolution, the fact that even a successful outcome in (^)
court does not always solve the fundamental dispute and most
importantly, that an extended court battle invariably destroys the
business relationship between the parties. Branded ‘Alternate Dispute
Resolution’ or ADR this movement has continued to gather force and is