
(Darren Dugan) #1

3.5.3 Municipal Law

Before examining some aspects of our municipal law it is useful to take
a wider perspective and see how our law fits alongside the legal systems
of other countries. While this enquiry has an international flavour it is
treated under the heading municipal law because it is concerned with
the internal laws of different countries.


You have learnt about the sources of law. Most Nigerian laws now
derive from statute laws and you have treated the advantages and
disadvantages of statutory law as well as the differences between
International and municipal law.


The laws in Nigeria can be found in the Acts of the National Assembly,
the laws of each state, and the by-law of the local government council.
Each derives from the common law, equality and English statutes of
general application. Law Reports are growing sources of law in Nigeria.
Customary law derives from the customs and traditions of the people.
Islamic law is customary law but it is written. Treaties to which Nigeria
is a signatory is another source of law. Differences lie between
municipal laws, International law especially in terms of legislation,
enforcement and adjudication.


  1. What are the laws that apply in Nigeria?

  2. “International law is no law” Comment


Bartlett, R (1993). The Mabo Decision: Commentary and Text,
Sydney: Butterworths.
Bird, G (1993). The Process of Law in Australia: Intercultural
Perspectives.Sydney: Butterworths.
Blackstone, W (1791). Commentaries on the Laws of England, vol. 1,
11 th edn, p. 108. London: Cadell.
Chisholm, R & Netteim, G (1997). Understanding Law. Sydney:

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