Table 14.1 Summary of previous research investigating the main effects of recruitment on organizational effectivenessStudy
Independent variables(IV)
Dependent variables(DV)
W ams andDreher (1992)
352 US banks
Compensat on po c es
Recru tment outcomes:1. App cant poo s ze2. Acceptance rate3. Length of pos t on
- % of compensat on a ocated for benef ts was pos t ve y assoc ated
w th app cant poo s ze.
- Pay eve was pos t ve y assoc ated w th acceptance rates.3. Benef ts eve was negat ve y assoc ated w th days requ red to f a
pos t on.
- (Contrary to expectat ons) benef t f ex b ty was negat ve y re ated to
app cant poo s ze.
- (Contrary to expectat ons) pay eve was pos t ve y assoc ated w th
days requ red to f a pos t on.
Terpstra andRoze (1993)
201 UScompan es w thover 200emp oyees (fora 23% responserate)
Compan es’ ana ys sof recru t ng sourcesfor effect veness ngenerat ng h gh-performance emp oyees
- Annua prof tab ty2. Prof t growth3. Sa es growth4. Overa performance
- IV was not, or on y to a m nor extent, corre ated ( n zero-order
corre at ons) w th DVs 1–4 overa.
However, study a so showed moderator effects:2. In manufactur ng f rms, IV and prof tab ty were re ated (
- In serv ce ndustry f rms, IV was assoc ated w th sa es growth
.53 and
.50) and overa performance (
- In who esa e/reta f rms, IV was assoc ated w th prof tab ty
.79) and overa performance (
Huse d (1995) 968 pub c y
he d f rms fromCompactD sc osure(28% responserate)
Intens ty of recru t ngefforts (se ect on rat o)part of one of two fac-tors const tut ng H ghPerformance WorkPract ces (Factor
Emp oyee Mot vat on)
- Turnover2. Product v ty3. Tob n’s
(f nanc a
- Gross rate of return on
cap ta
- Factor Emp oyee Mot vat on re ated to product v ty and Tob n’s
q, but
not to turnover or return on cap ta.
- Some ev dence of hor zonta / nterna systems f t w th other Factor of
Emp oyee Sk s and Org. Structures.
(cont nued)