Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

developed power quickly thought that they were dreaming or that it
was an act of imagination. Yet, when they practiced they felt warm
and soon reported how much healthier they seemed to be getting.

Do you have to Sit in a Chair?

We recommend sitting in a chair. This is the most comfortable
position for most and is especially good for those people who have
back and leg problems. It also allows chi to flow freely through the
legs. Many people believe that if you assume the lotus position you
will feel more rooted and will gradually limber, or already have very
open energy routes in your legs, sitting in the lotus or quarter lotus
can only interfere with energy flow and hamper your progress.

If we compare the head to root of a tree, through which we can
absorb power from the heavens then we can compare the legs to
the branches and leaves and so they are also very important in
practice. When you attain a higher level of practice, you will find
that the soles of your feet absorb Yin power from the Earth. Sitting
in a chair facilitates directing the power down to the feet. When Chi
is circulated in just the upper part of the body and not directed
down to the feet, it is like having the leaves whither and fall off the
tree. No matter how well you practice in the upper body, if the power
has not flowed down to the legs, there is a very significant lack of
energy and you simply cannot function properly. When Chi circu-
lates in your legs you will feel lighter, will walk more erectly and will
be able to walk longer distances without fatigue.

Using a chair is important for another reason, too. A man must
let his testes hang freely so as to be able to properly absorb en-
ergy. As your practice progresses, you have to open six special
routes and the flow has to run down to your feet. Sitting cross-
legged makes it very difficult to direct the power, although some
people claim that when you have been successful in collecting
energy you can direct the power in any position.

I have known many monks who had leg problems, which might
or might not have been caused by sitting cross-legged for too long.
If you can direct power to your legs, there will be fewer problems,
but since cross-legged sitting calls for more effort, it is not a wise
practice nor an efficient one. Since at one stage of your develop-
ment, you absorb energy from the earth through the soles of your

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