Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1
Dr. Young: So did the warmth come up by itself or you created
it in your mind?
Dan: Actually I didn’t feel much warmth in my navel. The other
points felt warm, and my navel may have been slightly warm. I felt
a lot of activity in the tip of my spine, in my back where my kidneys
are, around my shoulder blades and especially in my head. My
head felt, as though it had expanded and felt full of that same activ-
ity. My forehead and the tip of my nose felt numb. When I stuck my
tongue up against my palate, I felt something like a charge of elec-
tricity on contact.
Dr. Young: You don’t suppose that suggestion was somehow
involved when he had you concentrate on your navel, do you?
Dan: No. I’d meditated myself for the past two years. Before I
came here I had already seen yellow between my eyebrows, and
had used it to concentrate on for hours at a time. When Master
Chia asked me to concentrate on my navel, I saw light there too,
but he told me not to pay any attention to it and insisted that I con-
centrate on my navel. In two days it had broken down to a yellow
color sitting here and there and moving around but I didn’t pay at-
tention to it, I just continued to concentrate on my navel and kept
my tongue sticking up toward my palate. I don’t know exactly when,
but I started to feel energy. My nose and my forehead grew very
numb and I felt as though my head were expanding but he told me
to just keep concentrating on my navel. Suddenly, I felt what seemed
to be a vibration in the tip of my spine, in my back and between my
shoulder blades, which after a while felt very warm, too.
Dr. Young: When did you feel that?
Dan: On Sunday, February 15, 1981 — the last time I was here.
Dr. Young: So for ten days you did not feel much of anything?
Dan: It was during my fifth session that I started to feel the En-
Dr. Young: The other ten days you just felt a little bit warm in the
Dan: The thing about it is that I feel the energy hitting my tongue
sometimes then I can’t keep my tongue in one place. It just shifts
around by itself. I never had an experience like that before.

Chapter XIII

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