Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Fifth Formula:

Sealing of the Five Sense Organs

This very high formula effects a literal transmutation of the warm
current or Chi into mental energy or energy of the soul. To do this
we must seal the five senses, for each one is an open gate of
energy loss. In other words, power flows out from each of the sense
organs unless there is an esoteric sealing of these doors of energy
movement. They must release energy only when specifically called
upon to convey information. This might correspond to the Brow
(Ajna) and Throat Chakra (Vissuddha).
Abuse of the senses leads to far more energy loss and
degradation than people ordinarily realize. Examples of misuse of
the senses are as follows: If you look too much, the seminal fluid is
harmed; listen too much and the mind is harmed; speak too much
and the salivary glands are harmed; cry too much and the blood is
harmed; have sexual intercourse too often and the marrow is
harmed, etc.
Each of the elements has its corresponding sense through which
its elemental force may be gathered or spent. The eye corresponds
to fire; the tongue to water; the left ear to metal; the right ear to
wood; the nose to earth.
The Fifth formula consists of:
(a) Sealing the five thieves: ears, eyes, nose, tongue and body
(b) Controlling the heart, and seven emotions (pleasure,anger,
sorrow, joy, love, hate, and desire)
(c) Unite, transmutes the inner alchemical agent into life
preserving true vitality.
(d) Purifying the spirit.
(e) Raising and educating the spirit, stopping the spirit from
wandering outside in quest of sense data.
(f) Do away with decayed food, depending on the un-decayed
food, the universal energy is the True Breatharian.

Chapter XV

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