Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Iron Shirt Chi Kung

Highest Form of Chi Kung

The physical integrity of the body is sustained and protected through
the accumulation and circulation of internal power (chi) in the vital
organs. This energy is stored in the fascia which is a layer of con-
nective tissue covering, supporting or connecting the muscles or
inner organs. Over time, the Iron Shirt Chi Kung practice strength-
ens one’s vital organs as well as the tendons, muscles, marrow
and bones.
Historically, the practice of Iron Shirt Chi Kung was a prere-
quisite to the effective study and eventual mastery of the various
Kung Fu fighting styles. However, the main purpose of Iron Shirt
Chi Kung is not for fighting; it is to achieve excellent health by in-
creasing stamina and the body’s ability to fight disease and defend
its vital organs from unexpected injury. Prerequisite: Course No. 1

  • opening the Microcosmic Orbit. (Course No. 4)
    Iron Shirt Chi Kung is divided into three levels of instruction, I, II,
    and III. (See detailed description later this chapter.)

Tai Chi Chi Kung:

Foundation of Tai Chi Chuan

Without the circulation of chi through the channels, muscles and
tendons of the body the Tai Chi Chuan movements are only physi-
cal exercises. The practice of Tai Chi Chi Kung awakens and cir-
culates Chi energy and is therefore the foundation for the mastery
of Tai Chi Chuan. The potential to develop our self-healing capabili-
ties begins with the discovery of the flow of this vital energy through
the Microcosmmic Orbit. This circulation is enhanced and sus-
tained through the practice of Tai Chi Chi Kung which assists in
improving health through correct posture, movements and calm-
ing of the mind. This particular form is comprised of 13 move-
ments. Prerequisite: Course No. 1 — Opening the Microcosmic
Orbit. Course No. 6)

Taoist Esoteric Yoga Course Offerings
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