Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Tai Chi Chuan - Long and Short Forms

In order to benefit from the still, slow and soft movements of the Tai
Chi Chuan form, it is necessary for one to have cultivated an aware-
ness of Chi and internal power through the Opening of the Micro-
cosmic Orbit and Tai Chi Chi Kung. The Tai Chi Chuan form fur-
ther educates the body to serve the mind through relaxing and
strengthening. In addition, Tai Chi Chuan can be used as a self-
defense technique, but only if one is able to properly circulate and
utilize the intrinsic energy called Chi so that every movement of
the body is guided by internal power.
Before beginning to study the Tai Chi Chuan form, the student
must have completed:

  1. Opening of the Microcosmic Orbit;

  2. Tai Chi Chi Kung ( 13 movements);

  3. Iron Shirt Chi Kung Level I;

  4. Seminal and Ovarian Kung Fu Level l.
    (Course Nos. 11 and 12)
    The staff includes western M.D.s, nutritionists etc. Master Chia
    regularly visits each center to lecture and individually counsel Tao-
    ist practitioners. He also aides all students in increasing their cir-
    culation of Chi by “passing energy”, especially to those who for
    whatever reason feel blocked. This is not “instant enlightenment”,
    only an experience of higher Chi flow so that the student may bet-
    ter learn to create it on his own.
    Future volumes of the Esoteric Taoist Yoga Encyclopedia will
    explore in depth these other ancient disciplines whose methods
    have largely been kept secret from westerners.

Seminal Kung Fu:

Taoist Secret of Energy

For more than 5,000 years of Chinese history, “the no outlet method”
of retaining the seminal fluid during the act of love has remained a
deep secret. At first it was practiced exclusively by the Emperor
and his innermost circle. Then it passed from father to chosen son
alone, excluding wives, daughters and other family members. The
method permits a man to retain bodily secretions which are an

Taoist Esoteric Yoga Course Offerings
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