Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1
invaluable source of energy when stored and recirculated to the
vital centers.
Sages of all time and places have found that conservation of
the precious energies of the seminal fluid and ovarian energy deeply
affects a human’s life. Whoever holds his vital seed finds that he
spontaneously seeks to preserve living things from waste, decay
and harm. On the other hand, those who excessively spend the
fluid and its vital force crave outer stimulation at any price, for they
desperately need to replace their own lost energies.
One prevents loss of this biochemical energy by not ejaculat-
ing. Stopping ejaculation is not to be confused with stopping or-
gasm. The No Outlet Method provides an altogether unique and
superior type of orgasm.
Every vital function is invigorated because one no longer dis-
charges life energy through the genitals. Real sexual fulfillment lies
not in feeling the life go out of you but in increasing awareness of
the vital current that flows through the loins. The body is further
replenished by a method of “Steaming” the vital energy up from the
sexual centers to the brain and higher organs. The life enhancing
process is completed by exchanging with one’s partner energy
released during moments of excitation.
The sages have considered one drop of semen equal in vital
power to one hundred drops of blood. The Indians refer repeatedly
to “Amrito”, the elixir of life, a rejuvenating substance from sexual
energy. The production of this elixir, which Westerners would call
a higher hormonal secretion, allows the body to enter higher and
higher states of energy.
Most people in our consumer society spend more than they
earn. They borrow themselves deep into debt. Through poor hab-
its they also spend more vital power than they earn.
Let us say that people earn 100 units of life force through breath-
ing, eating and resting but spend 125 units of life force through
gluttony, overwork, anxiety, constitutional weakness, and frequent
loss of the vital fluid. They must continuously borrow vitality from
the brain and other vital organs. This theft of vital energy from one’s
own reserves induces mental and physical sickness and prema-
ture aging. We teach you how to overcome worldly sex desire and
a way to earn 125 units and to spend 100 or less. The imbalance
of one’s personal energy economy is first corrected by reducing
the disastrously wasteful expenditure called ejaculation, while ex-

Chapter XVI

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