Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Ching and the wisdom of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tsu, the nature
philosophers of “The Way”. For those interested in the Oriental
healing or martial arts there are disciplines as Macrobiotics or Tai
Chi Chuan, but the nature of this relationship is far from clear. To
suggest a connection between these and other practices and an
esoteric core of Taoism is to confuse matters even further. In fact,
the concept of an esoteric or inner core of Taoism is itself a new
idea for New Age audiences. What sense are we to make of an
esoteric foundation for a tradition that already seems so difficult to
comprehend, especially in its practical ramifications?

By contrast, we are reasonably comfortable with the major con-
cepts and methods of the various Indian meditation and yoga sys-
tems which began to find a place in our society in the 1920’s. We
have also come to appreciate the powerful systems of Buddhist
thought and practice, especially Zen and Tibetan Buddhism which
began to emerge into popular consciousness in the 1960’s. But
what about Taoism? What do we really know about this tradition
other than a few fragments of the wisdom of the I-Ching, the Tao
Teh Ching and a few other pieces of disconnected fragments of
practical knowledge contained in the systems of Chinese medi-
cine and martial arts? How can we begin to understand the con-
temporary practical applications of this ancient system of healing
and spiritual development? What form must this knowledge take in
order to enter the mainstream of our technological society at this
time in our evolutionary transition?

The book by Master Mantak Chia addresses these questions
and represents, to the best of my knowledge, the first opportunity
for a Western audience to really grasp and digest the essential
and practical aspects of Taoist Esoteric Yoga. Master Chia has
performed an invaluable service through his efforts to present these
ancient psychophysical methods in a form and sequence that cor-
responds to our contemporary scientific and technological world
view. The information in the book, the first in a forthcoming series
on Taoist Esoteric Yoga principles and methods, clearly describes
the theory and practice of the Microcosmic Orbit, the foundation
teaching of the entire Taoist system. Through their meditation ex-
perience and accumulated wisdom the ancient Taoist masters
learned the importance of the free circulation of Chi energy in the
body, both as a therapeutic technique for self-healing as well as a

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