Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

In Taoist Yoga, when properly and proportionally activated the
energy center at the thymus alchemically harmonizing with the
energy from the pituitary gland energy center and the generative
force residing in the sperm and testicles, can reverse the aging
process. This occurs in the practice of the Greatest Enlighten-
ment of the Kan and Li, in which white hair becomes black, teeth
grow back again, and a youthful appearance develops.


The hypothalamus is part of the forebrain, the same part of the
brain from which the cerebral hemispheres develop. The hypo-
thalamus provides a connecting link between the cerebral cortex
and the pituitary gland. Though the pituitary gland is considered the
master gland, nevertheless, there are stimulatory and inhibitory
agents originating in the hypothalamus, which regulate pituitary func-
tions. This ancient area in our brain is also intimately concerned
with the regulation of energy balance through the control of appe-
tite, sleep, body temperature, the regulation of sexual function and
control of water balance.

Disturbances in the hypothalamus may cause such endocrine
disorders as sexual precocity, absence of appetite with extreme
loss of weight, diabetes insipidus and disorganization of the sleep

Indeed, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland are both func-
tionally and anatomically related. Our thoughts, our hopes and joys,
our worries and our sorrows, our very nervous constitution all pro-
foundly influence the hypothalamus-pituitary complex. In the Taoist
Esoteric System, the energy center of Tien-Ting (in the mid-point
of the forehead) corresponds to the hypothalamus.

Thyroid Gland: Gland of Energy

The thyroid gland is located in the throat and lies in front of and
on either side of the windpipe and just beneath the larynx (voice
box) and is connected just below the Adam’s apple. This gland
arises from the same tissue and almost from the same spot as
the anterior lobe of the pituitary body. It weighs about an ounce.
Each lobe of the thyroid is about two inches in length, and from an
inch to an inch and a quarter in width.

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