Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Nervous Tension, Old Age, Physical Weakness..............

If you have nervous tension concentrate on the navel, alternating
with the Ming-Men (opposite the navel on the back). If you are older
or physically weak, concentrate on the Yin-Tang (point between
the eyebrows).

High Blood Pressure

For high blood pressure first focus on the navel, then bring your
attention to the feet. In the beginning you can tape two prickly nuts
over the Yung-Chuan points (Bubbling Spring) on the balls of your
feet. The sensation of the nuts pressing into your feet will help to
keep your attention in your feet. By focusing on your feet you put
your mind into your feet, which directs the energy and blood there,
consequently lowering your overall blood pressure. Do not focus
on the Yin-Tang (mideyebrow) or Pai-Hui (crown of head) because
it will cause a great deal of blood and chi to go to the head further
raising the blood pressure.

Fig. 4.2 To lower high blood pressure, concentrate on Yung-Chuan in
the center of the sole of the foot.

Yung-Chuan (K1)

Begin the Orbit
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