Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1
Fig. 5.2 Energy flows upward through the major
points of the Back Channel.

Fifth Energy Center:

Ming-Men (Opposite Navel Point On Spine)

This point is the Ming Men, the Door of Life. It is the midpoint of the
kidney, between L2 and L3 on the vertebrae. It is at this point that
kidney power is concentrated. The left kidney is Yin and the right is
Yang and at the center point is a balance between the two. The
Ming Men (the main power point of the body) then, is the harmony
point, containing Yin power. When you concentrate here, the power
rises up the back or descends to the feet. This helps to prevent


Sacral Hiatus opening
for Chi to enter the spinal
Chang-Ching GO-1 Coccyx

Sacral Canal

Chapter V

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