Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Chapter VI

Complete the

Microcosmic Orbit

When the energy reaches the area of the eyebrows it either pushes
up out of the top of the head, leaks out the ears or eyes, or comes
down the front of the body towards the navel. Pushing up through
the top of the head requires that the bones be cracked apart, which
takes tremendous power. It is much easier to push down through
the palate and complete the route.

Beginners: Reverse the Chi Flow

Easiest of all, however, and most recommended for beginners who
are often unable to send the energy through the palate, is to return
the energy to the navel along the same route it came from. Simply
reverse the flow of the chi and take it back down the spine and
continue all the way to the feet. Then bring it up your front to the
navel, throat, and palate.
Practice the following sequence to drain excess energy col-
lected in the head and circulate it to the Door of Life and the soles
of the feet.

  1. From the area between the eyebrows direct the warm cur-
    rent down to the nose for about 10 minutes and then bring the
    energy down even lower. With practice, you will develop the ability
    to direct this force so that it will flow as you will it to.

  2. Bring the power back up to the Pai-Hui (crown of head). Stop
    for a while, allowing the power to flow backward from the mideye
    region to the Yu-Chen (back of neck).

  3. Pause there for a while and then proceed down to the Ja-Jie,
    which is at mid-shoulder level and from there down to the Chi-
    Chung (Tl1) and then the Ming-men (L2 and L3) in the back and
    opposite to the navel. Stop and concentrate here longer until you
    feel tense in your forehead.

  4. Then shift your attention down to the coccyx and then to the
    Hui-Yin in the perineum (mid-point between the anus and the pe-

Complete the Microcosmic Orbit
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