Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Eleventh Energy Center:

Hsuan-Chi (Throat)

The Hsuan-Chi is the energy center of the thyroid and parathyroid
glands. Concentrating here will often cause coughing or difficulty
in breathing. When the energy pushes up through the throat and
enters the mouth some people have been known to cough up dark,
sticky mucous. This is considered to be characteristic of the clear-
ing of this energy center and this leads to a free flow of energy from
the throat to the tongue. Most people feel more calm and less wor-
ried when this energy flows from the navel up to the throat and to
the tongue and with no congestion in the chest. They are simply
freed of stress in opening the route. It does not mean that they will
never have any worries or anxiety but that they will feel more calm
and will be able to sit and concentrate more easily.

Fig. 6.4 Throat, heart and solar plexus comprise the
11th, 12th and 13th energy centers.

In this level we are linking all the energy centers together; not
opening or cultivating the center (chakra) of the Microcosmic Or-


Solar Plexus



Complete the Microcosmic Orbit
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