Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1

Twelfth Energy Center:

Shun-Chung (Heart)

The heart center, the center for rejuvenation, for love and joy, is
located mid-way between the nipples at the thymus gland, is an
extremely vital point that is easy for most people to focus on. This
will be dealt with extensively on the fifth level of the Tao Esoteric
Meditation. Concentrating here very quickly leads to great stores
of energy, and so many people tend to concentrate longer on this
point. You must exercise caution here, when you collect heat and
concentrate too long, the energy is reabsorbed in the pericardium
(a fibro-serous sac which surrounds the heart) and cause the heart
to beat faster. As a result there will be difficulty in breathing and
pain in the chest on the upper left side and in the sternum.
Do not concentrate here too long when you feel warmth or feel
your chest extended.

Thirteenth Energy Center:

Chun-Kung (Solar Plexus)

Half-way between your sternum and your navel you will find your
solar plexus. This area is the frontal site of many power centers
(spleen, adrenal, pancreas, and stomach). People who have stom-
ach or digestive problems will find themselves belching frequently
and passing wind. This is not cause for alarm, but a healthy clean-
ing out process. Belching, moving gas, and yawning will often in-
crease the flow of saliva, and as the digestive system improves
the saliva may become sweet and fragrant.

Collect the Energy when finished

No matter where you end your practice, if you only concentrate on
the navel, if you get as far as the Ming Men, or if you complete the
route, at the conclusion of your practice you must always bring the
energy back to your navel and collect it. Collecting the energy gath-
ers up the excess chi in the body and stores it in the navel. It pro-
tects your body organs from accumulating too much energy.
To do this, concentrate on your navel as you place your right fist

Chapter VI

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