Awaken Healing Energy

(Barry) #1
If you can do this every day, it will greatly improve your health. When
you’re through, you must remember to collect the power mentally
and circle the navel 3 to 36 times clockwise, and then 3 to24 times
in a counter clock-wise direction.

Final Goal is:

Automatic Circulation of Chi

Many have found that when they have completed the orbit and prac-
ticed for a while that concentration on the navel causes the energy
to flow through the Microcosmic Orbit instantly. They feel the power
in the head (the crown), and the mideyebrow area, instantly upon
feeling the navel get warm. This is because the energy flows as a
complete stream. The tongue might feel warm or numb, as though
from an electrical shock. The flow can actually be felt to descend
down to the navel and go into the legs. A feeling of numbness may
be experienced in the arms and legs, when the big circuit of the
Microcosmic Orbit of the Large Heavenly Cycle has been com-
Eventually the warm current will flow through your body auto-
matically if you’re creating a positive, permanent habit of circulat-
ing chi around the microcosmic orbit. Once your body/mind has
internally absorbed the new pattern of chi flow, it will seek to main-
tain the dynamic equilibrium and circulate the chi automatically.
Your weeks or months of self-discipline will begin bearing the fruit
of a lifetime of delightful good health.

Chapter VIII

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