Tian Xian Teng Caulis Aristolochiae debilis
Kuan Jin Teng Ramus Tinosporae sinensis
Hai Feng Teng Caulis Piperis
Ren Dong Teng (or Yin Hua Teng) Caulis Lonicerae japonicae
Most of the vines (recognizable by the term teng in their Chinese name) affect the limbs.
Finally, insects or animal substances have an important role to play in the treatment of chronic
Painful Obstruction Syndrome. This may be characterized by Blood stasis, Phlegm in joints and
long-term obstruction of the channels. Certain insects or animal substances remove turbidity and
Phlegm, move Blood, eliminate stasis and open the channels. They are therefore particularly
indicated for chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome in old people. The various insects and
animal substances can be differentiated as follows:
Cold-Dampness: Wu Shao She Zaocys Dhumnades and Can Sha Excrementum Bombycis mori,
combined with Fu Zi Radix Aconiti carmichaeli praeparata and Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis
Heat: Di Long Pheretima aspergillum, combined with Shi Gao Gypsum fibrosum.
Phlegm: Jiang Can Bombyx batryticatus, combined with Dan Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis
praeparata and Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae.
Stasis of Blood: Di Bie Chong Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia, combined with Hong Hua Flos
Carthami tinctorii and Tao Ren Semen Persicae.
Severe pain: Quan Xie Buthus Martensi and Wu Gong Scolopendra subspinipes, combined with
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis yanhusuo.
Swelling of joints: Feng Fang Polistes mandarinus and Jiang Can Bombyx batryticatus,
combined with Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi.
Lower backache: Wu Shao She Zaocys Dhumnades, Feng Fang Polistes mandarinus and Di Bie
Chong Eupolyphaga seu Opisthoplatia.
There are three other animal products used in Painful Obstruction Syndrome:
Zi He Che Placenta hominis to nourish Essence and Marrow in chronic Painful Obstruction
Syndrome with an underlying Kidney deficiency.
Lu Jiao Cornu Cervi and Lu Rong Cornu Cervi parvum to strengthen the Governing Vessel as