Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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The tongue presentation appropriate to this remedy is a Red body without coating or with a
rootless coating.

Case History 1.7

Headaches: Kidney-Yin Deficiency-Female, Age 45

A woman of 45 complained of persistent headaches on the back of the neck and head extending
over the top of the head to the eyes. She also suffered from lower backache. She had been
experiencing these symptoms for two years since she had a kidney infection. She had been
diagnosed as having pyelonephritis and was put on antibiotics. She also had a tendency to
constipation and the urine was scanty and dark at times. She sweated at night on most nights.
Her tongue was slightly Red with a yellow coating which was thick on the root and rather
rootless in the centre. Her pulse was Fine and very slightly Wiry in both Rear positions.

Diagnosis The headaches were of a Deficiency nature and were caused by
Kidney-Yin deficiency. They clearly occurred along the Bladder
channel. Her main condition was one of Kidney-Yin deficiency (lower
backache, night-sweating, dark-scanty urine, constipation, Fine pulse
and Red tongue) with Damp-Heat in the Bladder (thick-yellow coating
on the root of the tongue, slightly Wiry pulse on both Rear positions). In
addition, there was also some Stomach-Yin deficiency (slightly rootless
tongue coating).

Principle of treatment First resolve Damp-Heat from the Bladder, then nourish Kidney-Yin.

Acupuncture The main points used initially were LU-7 Lieque and KI-6 Zhaohai
(Directing Vessel), SP-6 Sanyinjiao and SP-9 Yinlingquan. Later on
(after a few weeks), other points were added such as Ren-12 Zhongwan,
ST-36 Zusanli, BL-10 Tianzhu, BL-60 Kunlun and KI-3 Taixi.

Explanation LU-7 Lieque and KI-6 Zhaohai open the Directing Vessel and nourish

SP-6 Sanyinjiao and SP-9 Yinlingquan resolve Damp-Heat in the
Lower Burner.

Ren-12 Zhongwan and ST-36 Zusanli were used to nourish

BL-10 Tianzhu was used as a local point to relieve the headaches along
the Bladder channel.

BL-60 Kunlun was used as a distal point to open the Bladder channel
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