Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Blood tonics.

  • Zhi Gan Cao helps the Qi tonics to tonify Qi and harmonizes.

  • Sheng Jiang and Hong Zao harmonize the formula, harmonize Defensive and Nutritive
    Qi and help to tonify Spleen-Qi.


  • If a deficiency of Stomach and Spleen in making Blood is more pronounced than a
    deficiency of Liver-Blood, reduce the dosage of Dang Gui, increase that of Mu Xiang
    and add Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos, Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis lachryma jobi and
    Sha Ren Fructus seu Semen Amomi.

  • If there are symptoms of Cold and epigastric pain add Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi
    cassiae and Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae albae.

  • If Blood deficiency is pronounced add Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae

  • If Qi deficiency is more pronounced remove Dang Gui and Long Yang Rou and increase
    the dosage of Huang Qi. Alternatively, use Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre
    and Benefiting Qi Decoction instead.

Kidney Deficiency

Clinical Manifestations

Persistent dizziness with a feeling of emptiness in the brain, tinnitus, depression, exhaustion,
waking up during the night, poor memory, sore back and knees.

Tongue: Pale if Yang deficiency, Red and Peeled if Yin deficiency.

Pulse: Deep and Weak if Yang deficiency, Floating-Empty if Yin deficiency.

This is essentially a deficiency of Kidney-Essence; the Essence is failing to nourish Marrow and
the brain. This results in a deficiency of the Sea of Marrow, one of the main symptoms of which
is dizziness. As the Essence has both a Yin and a Yang aspect, its deficiency may manifest with
symptoms of either Kidney-Yang or Kidney-Yin deficiency.

Treatment Principle

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