Mo Yao Myrrha
Di Bie Chong Eupolyphaga sue opishoplatia
This remedy moves Blood and invigorates the channels. It can be used for stasis of Blood in
Atrophy Syndrome causing pain and stiffness of the joints. This is a strong remedy which should
only be used for a few weeks at a time. As it contains Da Huang which moves downwards, it
should be used only if the tongue has a fairly thick coating, or at least it has a coating. If the
tongue has no coating, this remedy should not be used.
Prognosis and Western Differentiation
In the case of Atrophy Syndrome it is essential for the patient to obtain a Western diagnosis from
a neurologist as the prognosis depends very much on the type of disease involved.
First of all, according to Western medicine paralysis may occur either from injury of the spinal
or motor nerves, or from injury to the muscles. The Chinese theory of Atrophy Syndrome does
not differentiate between these two.
Thus, Atrophy Syndrome could appear in any of the following diseases:
- poliomyelitis
- myasthenia gravis
- motor-neurone disease
- multiple sclerosis
- muscular dystrophy.
This is an infection caused by a polio-virus. It starts with symptoms of a respiratory infection
with fever and a headache. In some cases, after a remission of about a week, the fever starts
again and, as it abates, it is followed by the paralysis of a limb.
Myasthenia Gravis
This consists in abnormal fatiguability of muscles. The first symptoms are weakness when
chewing, swallowing and speaking. Any muscle can be affected, but those of the shoulders are
more frequently involved.