- Jie Geng and Niu Bang Zi circulate Lung-Qi, expel Wind-Heat and soothe the throat.
- Bo He and Jing Jie help to release the Exterior and expel Wind. Bo He also relieves
headache. - Zhu Ye clears Heat.
- Dan Dou Chi expels Wind-Heat and relieves the irritability deriving from Wind-Heat,
especially in children. - Gan Cao resolves Poison and harmonizes.
This formula is the most effective for treating mild to moderate cases of invasion of Wind-Heat.
It is excellent to treat sore and swollen throat and tonsils and is particularly effective for
children. It should be used at the earliest possible time in the initial stages of an invasion of
Wind-Heat. If there is any doubt whether the condition is one of Wind-Cold or Wind-Heat, it is
preferable to treat it as Wind-Heat with the Yin Qiao San.
Traditionally, this formula was taken as a powder with freshly and lightly boiled lotus root. If it
is used as a decoction, it should be simmered only for a short time (under 15 minutes) in order
that it enter the Upper Burner and go to the Exterior. If it is boiled for too long it will enter the
Middle Burner. Wu Ju Tong, the creator of this formula, said: "Treat the Upper Burner like a
feater, very lightly but not so as to raise it."2.(544)
In mild cases it should be taken twice a day. In severe cases it can be taken four times a day.
Sang Ju Yin
(Morus-Chrysanthemum Decoction)
Sang Ye Folium Mori albae 6 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi morifolii 3 g
Bo He Herba Menthae 3 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae 6 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi grandiflori 6 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae suspensae 6 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis communis 6 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis 3 g
- Sang Ye and Ju Hua release the Exterior, expel Wind-Heat and restore the descending