Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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rebellious Qi in the chest.

  • LU-1, Ren-17 and LU-7 restore the descending of Lung-Qi, free the chest and relieve

  • ST-40 is used to resolve Qi-Phlegm.

  • HE-7 calms the Mind.

Herbal Treatment


Wu Mo Yin Zi
(Five Powders Decoction)

Chen Xiang Lignum Aquilariae 6 g
Mu Xiang Radix Saussureae 3 g
Bing Lang Semen Arecae catechu 6 g
Wu Yao Radix Linderae strychnifoliae 6 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Aurantii immaturus 6 g
White Wine
Bai He Bulbus Lilii 6 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae julibrissin 6 g
Suan Zao Ren Semen Ziziphi spinosae 6 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae tenuifoliae 6 g


  • Chen Xiang, Mu Xiang, Bing Lang, Wu Yao, Zhi Shi and white wine relieve
    stagnation, restore the descending of Qi and stop breathlessness.

  • Bai He, He Huan Pi, Suan Zao Ren and Yuan Zhi calm the Mind and soothe the Liver.

Liver-Fire Invading the Lungs

Clinical Manifestations

Breathlessness attacks precipitated by emotional stress, a feeling of oppression of the chest, chest
pain, dream-disturbed sleep, short temper, thirst, bitter taste, dark urine, constipation, headache,
red eyes and face.

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