Ophiopogonis japonici.
- If there are bleeding and sore gums add Sheng Ma Rhizoma Cimicifugae and Huang Lian
Rhizoma Coptidis.
Stomach and Intestines Dry-Heat
Clinical Manifestations
High fever which is worse in the afternoon, constipation, dry stools, a burning feeling in the
anus, abdominal pain and fullness which is worse with pressure, restlessness, thirst, a faint
feeling, delirium.
Tongue: Red with very dry-thick yellow, brown or black coating.
Pulse: Deep, Full and Rapid.
This is the classical pattern of Stomach-Fire as opposed to Stomach-Heat of the previous pattern.
Fire lies deeper within the body and dries up fluids in the Intestines, hence the constipation and
abdominal pain and fullness. Stomach-Fire is treated by purging.
As a stage following an exterior invasion of Wind, it is more common in children than adults.
Treatment Principle
Drain Stomach-Fire by purging, benefit fluids.
General Prescription
L.I.-11 Quchi, ST-25 Tianshu, SP-15 Daheng, ST-44 Neiting, ST-45 Lidui, BL-25 Dachangshu,
T.B.-8 Sanyangluo and KI-6 Zhaohai. Reducing method.
- L.I.-11 clears Stomach and Intestines Heat.
- ST-25 and SP-15 regulate the Intestines, clear Stomach-Heat and promote the bowel
movement. - ST-44 and ST-45 clear Stomach-Heat; ST-45 is particularly indicated if there is mental