Tongue: Red, thick-yellow coating.
Pulse: Slippery-Rapid.
Stomach Heat
High fever, no aversion to cold, aversion to heat, profuse sweating, severe thirst with desire for
cold drinks, coarse breathing.
Tongue: Red, dry-yellow coating.
Pulse: Overflowing-Big-Rapid. ("4 Bigs": big fever, big sweating, big thirst, big pulse).
Intestines Dry-Heat
High fever in the afternoon, constipation, burning sensation in anus, abdominal
distention-fullness-pain which is worse on pressure, irritability, faint feeling.
Tongue: Red, yellow-thick-dry or grey-black coating with prickles.
Pulse: Deep-Full-Rapid.
Gall-Bladder Heat (Heat in Lesser Yang)
Alternating hot and cold feeling, more hot than cold, a bitter taste, thirst, a dry throat,
hypochondrial pain which is worse on pressure, nausea, a feeling of fullness of the epigastrium.
Tongue: Red, yellow-sticky coating on one side only.
Pulse: Wiry-Rapid.
Stomach and Spleen Damp-Heat
Continuous fever which decreases with sweating and then starts again, a feeling of heaviness of
the body and head, a feeling of oppression of the chest and abdomen, nausea, loose stools.
Tongue: yellow-sticky coating.
Pulse: Weak-Floating, Rapid.