headaches 5
Painful Obstruction Syndrome 564 , 577-9
Damp-Cold, lower backache 608-9, 619-20
Damp-Heat 847
abdominal pain 436-8
Atrophy Syndrome 691-2
blood in stools 721
chronic eczema 133-4
diarrhoea 464-7
dysmenorrhoea 743-4
eczema 131-4
epigastric pain 403-4
gall stones 425 , 426-7
hypochondrial pain 420 , 422-3
lower backache 6 20-21
menorrhagia 757-8
myalgic encephalomyelitis 635-41
oedema 542-3
urinary calculi 519
cough 183-4
Wind-stroke 681-2
Damp-Phlegm with Spleen deficiency, multiple sclerosis 702-4
abdominal pain 432
acute nephritis 548-9
dysmenorrhoea 736
epigastric pain 384
headaches 34-6
lower backache 607-8
oedema 541-2
Painful-Urination Syndrome 494
somnolence 297-8
tiredness 352-5
Defensive-Qi level 581 , 781 , 783 , 847-8
Desire 210
Diabetes mellitus 357
Five Diaphragms pattern 343
Residual Heat insomnia 290-91
Diarrhoea 461-73
aetiology 461-2
diagnosis 462-3
differentiation and treatment 463-72
Kidney-Yang deficiency 471-2
Liver-Qi stagnation 468-9
retention of Cold-Dampness 463-4
retention of Damp-Heat 464-7
retention of food 467-8
Spleen and Stomach deficiency 469-71
pathology 461-2
prognosis 472
Western differentiation 472-3