Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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  • If there are symptoms of exterior Cold and internal Phlegm-Fluids, use Xiao Qing Long
    Tang Small Green Dragon Decoction instead.

  • In a chronic case with Yang deficiency and frequent attacks with wheezing that sounds
    like low snoring, breathing not rapid, watery sputum, a dull-pale complexion, cold
    sweating, a Deep pulse and a Pale tongue, one must treat both the Manifestation and the
    Root simultaneously. One must resolve Phlegm and restore the descending of Lung-Qi on
    one hand, and tonify Kidney-Yang on the other hand. This therapeutic aim may be
    achieved by using Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang Perilla Seed Lowering Qi Decoction. Add to this
    formula: Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis pilosulae, Hu Tao Rou Semen Juglandis regiae
    and Qi Dai Umbilical cord to tonify Spleen and Kidneys, and Chen Xiang Lignum
    Aquilariae to restore the descending of Lung-Qi.

  • In cases of very severe symptoms of Yang deficiency (such as severe chilliness and a
    very Pale and wet tongue) add Fu Zi Radix Aconiti carmichaeli praeparata.

Hot Phlegm

Clinical Manifestations

Wheezing with a loud noise, breathlessness, distended chest, cough, yellow-sticky sputum,
irritability, sweating, a red face, a bitter taste, thirst, a feeling of heat.

Tongue: Red with a yellow-sticky coating.

Pulse: Slippery-Rapid.

Treatment Principle

Clear Heat, restore the descending of Lung-Qi, resolve Phlegm, stop wheezing.


General Prescription

LU-5 Chize, LU-10 Yuji, LU-6 Kongzui, BL-13 Feishu, LU-1 Zhongfu, L.I.-11 Quchi, P-5
Jianshi, ST-40 Fenglong, Ren-22 Tiantu.


  • LU-5 resolves Phlegm-Heat from the Lungs.

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