Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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ST-40 Fenglong to resolve Phlegm and open the chest.

Ren-12 Zhongwan, BL-20 Pishu and Ren-9 Shuifen to tonify the
Spleen and resolve Phlegm.

LU-7 Lieque, Ren-22 Tiantu and LU-5 Chize to restore the descending
of Lung-Qi.

BL-23 Shenshu and KI-7 Fuliu to tonify Kidney-Yang.

Since acupuncture was aimed at treating the Root by tonifying the
Spleen and Kidneys, the herbs were used mainly to treat the
Manifestation, i.e. to resolve Phlegm, as they are better than
acupuncture at doing this. The main formula used was a variation of
Wen Dan Tang Warming the Gall-Bladder Decoction which resolves
Phlegm-Heat from both Lungs and Stomach:

Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 6 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Citri aurantii immaturus 6 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae 6 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 6 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulatae 4 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis recens 3 slices
Da Zao Fructus Ziziphi jujubae 3 dates
Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae 4 g
Su Zi Fructus Perillae frutescentis 6 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae officinalis 4 g

Explanation The first seven herbs constitute the Wen Dan Tang which resolves

Xing Ren and Su Zi restore the descending of Lung-Qi.

Hou Po moves Qi and relieves fullness and oppression of the chest.

As the treatment progressed and she improved, a few herbs to
strengthen the Spleen were added, such as Bai Zhu Rhizoma
Atractylodis macrocephalae and the dosage of Fu Ling Sclerotium
Poriae cocos was increased.

This patient achieved great improvement in 9 months of treatment.

Kidney Deficiency

Clinical Manifestations

Shortness of breath, slight wheezing that has a low sound, greater difficulty in breathing in,

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