from a blood infection deriving from a skin disease.
There are two basic types of eczema in babies, one characterized by Wind-Heat (called "dry
foetus") and the other characterized by Damp-Heat (called "damp foetus"). They are both due to
a deficiency of Lung and Kidney's Defensive Qi systems but with varying degrees of
involvement of the Lungs or Kidneys. The Wind-Heat type is more due to the Lungs, whilst the
Damp-Heat type is more related to the Kidneys.
As for the treatment, the aim depends on whether the asthma or the eczema is the predominant
problem. If asthma is the predominant problem, one would simply use one of the formulae
indicated above and add some herbs to treat the eczema according to type:
Jing Jie
Chan Tui
Bo He
Bai Xian Pi
Fang Feng
Bai Xian Pi
Ge Gen
Bai Zhi
Niu Bang Zi
Sheng Ma
All these herbs are suitable for babies or young children. Eczema from Wind-Heat is
characterized by skin lesions which are very dry, red and itchy, with the itchiness being spread
all over the body and moving from place to place. Eczema from Damp-Heat is characterized by
skin lesions which are moist, oozing fluid, red and itchy, with the itchiness being more confined
to specific parts of the body, often the forearm and lower leg.
If eczema is the main problem, then one must use one of the following formulae and modify
them with the addition of herbs to restore the descending of Lung-Qi such as Su Zi Fructus
Perillae frutescentis, Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae, Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori albae
radicis, Pi Pa Ye Folium Eriobotryae japonicae, or Xuan Fu Hua Flos Inulae. In particular, Pi
Pa Ye and Sang Bai Pi are suitable to restore the descending of Lung-Qi and they also clear
Damp-Heat from the skin.
Acute Eczema