- Du-4 and Ren-4, in combination, with moxa strengthen the Governing Vessel. Ren-4 is
used because the internal pathway of the Governing Vessel actually runs along the front
midline of the body under the Directing Vessel. The use of Du-4 and Ren-4, therefore,
tonifies both the Yang and the Yin aspects of the Governing Vessel. - BL-23, KI-3, BL-13 and Du-12 tonify the Lung and Kidney's Defensive-Qi systems.
- Du-24 and Du-23 expel Wind from the nose, strengthen the Governing Vessel locally
and stop nasal discharge. - G.B.-20 is an adjacent point to expel Wind. In order to affect the nose, it should be
needled with the tip of the needle pointing towards the nostril of the same side. - Du-14 with moxa strengthens the Governing Vessel in its upper part.
- S.I.-3 and BL-62 open the Governing Vessel. The points are crossed over with S.I.-3 on
the left side for men and right for women and BL-62 on the right side for men and left for
women. In women, it is preferable to combine the Governing Vessel with the Directing
Vessel: one would therefore needle S.I.-3 on the right, BL-62 on the left, LU-7 on the left
and KI-6 on the right.
Herbal Treatment
Yi Du Yang Yuan Tang
(Benefiting the Governing Vessel and Nourishing the Original Qi Decoction)
Gui Ban Plastrum Testudinis 15 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae glutinosae praeparata 9 g
Rou Cong Rong Herba Cistanchis 9 g
Bu Gu Zhi Fructus Psoraleae corylifoliae 6 g
Lu Jiao Jiao Colla Cornu Cervi 3 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae chinensis 3 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae asphodeloidis 3 g
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri 3 g