Radix Astragali membranacei, Yin Yang Huo Herba Epimedii and Du Zhong Cortex
Eucommiae ulmoidis.
- If there are very pronounced symptoms of Cold add Fu Zi Radix Aconiti carmichaeli
praeparata. However, in such a case, one must be absolutely sure that there is no Heat
anywhere in the body as the three herbs Gan Jiang, Xi Xin and Fu Zi are very hot,
pungent and scattering. - To enhance the antitussive effect add Su Zi Fructus Perillae frutescentis, Xuan Fu Hua
Flos Inulae and Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae.
Liver-Fire Insulting the Lungs
Clinical Manifestations
Sudden bouts of cough with a red face often elicited by emotional stress, dry throat, a feeling of
phlegm in the throat, expectoration of scanty phlegm, hypochondrial pain and distension, pain on
coughing, bitter taste, dark urine, dry stools, irritability and a dry mouth.
Tongue: Red with redder sides, dry-yellow coating.
Pulse: Wiry and Rapid.
Treatment Principle
Clear the Lungs, clear Liver-Fire, restore the descending of Lung-Qi and stop cough.
General Prescription
LIV-2 Xingjian, G.B.-34 Yanglingquan, L.I.-11 Quchi, LU-5 Chize, LU-1 Zhongfu, Ren-17
Shanzhong, G.B.-21 Jianjing.
- LIV-2 clears Liver-Fire.
- G.B.-34 pacifies the Liver and eliminates stagnation from the hypochondrial region and
chest. - L.I.-11 clears Heat.