Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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This prescription combines the Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Ligusticum-Green Tea Regulating
Powder as a whole which expels Wind-Cold, with two herbs that expel Wind-Heat and are
specific for headaches.

  • Ju Hua expels Wind-Heat and specifically relieves headaches.

  • Jiang Can expels Wind-Heat and is also specific for headaches deriving from Wind-Heat


  • Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis expels Wind-Heat and is specific for headaches.

  • Ge Gen Radix Puerariae expels Wind-Heat and releases the muscles and sinews, making
    it specific to relieve the ache and stiffness of the neck and shoulders from invasion of
    exterior Wind.

  • Bo He Herba Menthae and Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi morifolii expel Wind-Heat. They
    are light and aromatic and affect the head specifically. They also relieve headaches from
    Liver-Yang rising. Ju Hua, in addition, specifically affects the eyes and would therefore
    be indicated when the headache is situated around the eyes, or if the eyes are red.

Patent Remedies

Sang Ju Gan Mao Pian
(Morus-Chrysanthemum Common Cold Tablet)

Sang Ye Folium Mori albae 6 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi morifolii 3 g
Bo He Herba Menthae 3 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni armeniacae 6 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi grandiflori 6 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae suspensae 6 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis communis 6 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis 3 g


This tablet has the same ingredients and functions as the prescription Sang Ju Yin

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