Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Liver-Yang rising manifest on the Gall-Bladder channel but some may not. This point will be
clarified shortly as we discuss the treatment methods.

The four organs which are most directly involved in the pathogenesis of headaches are the
Spleen, Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. The aetiology and pathology of interior headaches are
represented in Figure 1.9(67).

Excess Type

All these headaches are characterized by the presence of an Excess in the head leading to
obstruction in the circulation of Qi and local stasis of Blood in the head, giving rise to
headaches. This Excess can take the form of Liver-Yang or Liver-Fire, Phlegm, Dampness and
Blood stasis. Being due to an Excess, the pain in the head is severe compared to that of
Deficiency headaches.

Liver-Yang Rising

This is probably the most common of all interior headaches. It arises when the Yang of the Liver
"rebels" upwards creating an excess of Yang in the head. It is in the nature of Liver-Qi and
Liver-Yang to flow freely upwards but in pathological circumstances this movement can be
excessive and give rise to headaches. As we have seen, the Liver main channel is one of only
two (together with the Heart channel) to flow to the head internally, all other Yin channels
reaching the head via their respective divergent channels.

The most frequent cause of this type of headache is emotional. Emotions of anger (whether it is
manifested or repressed), frustration or resentment over a long period of time can cause the
excessive rising of Liver-Yang.

Liver-Yang rising is usually due to one of four situations:

(a) Liver-Blood Deficiency

(b) Liver-Yin Deficiency

(c) Liver- and Kidney-Yin Deficiency

(d) Liver/Kidney-Yin and Kidney-Yang Deficiency.

Liver-Blood deficiency is a common cause of the rising of Liver-Yang. Blood is part of Yin and
is stored in the Liver. The Blood of the Liver roots and anchors the Yang of the Liver. Hence if
Liver-Blood is deficient, Liver-Yang may "escape" upwards to disturb the head.

Liver-Yin deficiency is practically the same as Liver-Blood deficiency, dry eyes being one of the
main signs to distinguish it from Liver-Blood deficiency.

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