Fructus Schisandrae chinensis.
- If insomnia is difficult to treat add Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni multiflori.
- If the person is very depressed add He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae julibrissin.
Patent Remedies
Suan Zao Ren Tang Pian
(Tablet of Ziziphus Decoction)
This very well-known pill has the same ingredients and indications as the formula of the same
It is indicated for insomnia and mental restlessness deriving from Liver-Yin deficiency and
An Shen Bu Nao Pian
(Calming the Mind and Tonifying the Brain Tablet)
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati
Nu Zhen Zi Fructus Ligustri lucidi
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae julibrissin
Han Lian Cao Herba Ecliptae prostratae
Suan Zao Ren Semen Ziziphi spinosae
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos
Shou Wu Radix Polygoni multiflori
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae tenuifoliae
Zhu Sha Cinnabaris
This remedy nourishes Liver- and Heart-Yin and clears Empty-Heat. It is therefore suitable for
Liver-Yin deficiency and Empty-Heat causing insomnia, anxiety, mental restlessness, a feeling
of heat in the evening, blurred vision, irregular periods and a dry throat. It differs from Suan Zao
Ren Tang Pian in so far as it is more nourishing.
An Mian Pian
(Peaceful Sleep Tablet)