Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
(Gastrodia-Uncaria Decoction)

Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae elatae 9 g
Gou Teng Ramulus Uncariae 9 g
Shi Jue Ming Concha Haliotidis 6 g
Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi 9 g
Du Zhong Radix Eucommiae ulmoidis 9 g
Chuan Niu Xi Radix Cyathulae 9 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae jasminoidis 6 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae baicalensis 9 g
Yi Mu Cao Herba Leonori heterophylli 9 g
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni multiflori 9 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae cocos pararadicis 6 g


This prescription isvery widely used for headaches from Liver-Yang rising.

  • Tian Ma, Gou Teng and Shi Jue Ming subdue Liver-Yang and Liver-Wind. All three of
    these herbs are specific for headaches from Liver-Yang rising.

  • Sang Ji Sheng nourishes Liver-Blood. This is necessary as Liver-Yang rising frequently
    derives from Liver-Blood deficiency.

  • Du Zhong tonifies the Kidneys. This is necessary as Liver-Yang rising often derives
    from Kidney deficiency.

  • Chuan Niu Xi nourishes Liver and Kidneys and is included for the reasons mentioned
    above with the previous two herbs.

  • Zhi Zi and Huang Qin are included to clear any condition of Liver-Fire that there might
    be. In particular, Huang Qin clears upwards and will help to alleviate any signs of
    Liver-Fire in the Upper Burner such as red and sore eyes and headache.

  • Yi Mu Cao moves and harmonizes Liver-Blood and, by so doing, it pacifies rebellious

  • Ye Jiao Teng and Fu Shen are included to calm the Mind and Ethereal Soul and
    promote sleep. This is necessary to deal with the irritability that often accompanies
    Liver-Yang rising. It is also a general principle that it is good to promote sleep in persons

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