The Spleen houses Intellect and influences memory in the sense of memorization, studying and
concentrating. Its corresponding pathological aspect is excessive thinking and pensiveness.
The Kidneys house Will-Power and influence the brain since the Kidney-Essence produces
Marrow which nourishes the brain. The Kidneys are responsible for memory in the sense of
memorization of everyday events, names, faces, etc. It will be remembered (see Chapter 9 on
Mental-Emotional Problems) that Zhi of the Kidneys, apart from "will-power", also means
The Heart controls memory because it houses the Mind. There is a considerable overlap between
the Kidneys and Heart with regard to memory, but the Heart is responsible more for the memory
of long-past events rather than of everyday things like the Kidneys.
Worry and Pensiveness
Worry and pensiveness affect Lungs, Spleen and Heart and they influence memory simply
because the Spleen and Heart's mental capacity is employed in worrying and obsessive thinking
and cannot therefore be used for memorization.
Overwork and Excessive Sexual Activity
Overwork and excessive sexual activity weaken Kidney-Yin and Kidney-Essence which
decreases mental power and memory.
Excessive bleeding at childbirth weakens Blood and affects the Heart. Deficient Heart-Blood is
unable to nourish the brain and the Mind, and poor memory results.
Sadness depletes Heart-Qi so that this cannot brighten the Mind and poor memory results.
"Recreational" Drugs
Prolonged and continued use of cannabis and other drugs is an important cause of poor memory