Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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regulate the Liver. Since the Triple Burner pertains to the Lesser Yang
which is the "hinge" of the Yang channels, and the Pericardium pertains
to the Terminal Yin which is the "hinge" of the Yin channels, these two
points will also regulate Yin and Yang, Defensive and Nutritive Qi, the
Exterior and Interior, and Yin- and Yang-Linking Vessels.

ST-36 and SP-6 were used to tonify Stomach-Yin. SP-6, in addition,
will also regulate the Liver and calm the Mind.

KI-3 was used to nourish the Kidneys and Liver-Yin. Although in this
case it is Liver-Fire that is injuring Yin (and not the other way round) it
is still important to nourish the Kidneys since Liver and Kidneys have a
"common source", and tonifying the Kidney points will help to regulate
the Liver.

LIV-2 was used with reducing method to clear Liver-Fire.

Ren-12 was used to nourish Stomach-Yin.

LU-7 and KI-6 in combination open the Directing Vessel. This was
done to nourish the Kidneys and regulate the Uterus.

G.B.-43 was used with reducing method to clear the Gall-Bladder
channel, where the headaches occurred.

KI-9 was used to nourish the Kidneys and calm the Mind. This point
has a powerful calming action.

G.B.-20 was used as an adjacent point to subdue Liver-Fire and

Yuyao is the extra point in the middle of the eyebrow and was used as a
local point.

G.B.-1 was also used as a local point to clear the Gall-Bladder channel.


The headache from Liver-Wind is pulling in character and affects the whole head rather than the
sides. It is accompanied by severe giddiness.

Other possible manifestations include a slight shaking of the head, numbness, or tremor of a
limb. The pulse and tongue will vary according to whether the Liver-Wind derives from
Liver-Fire or from Liver-Blood deficiency.

Treatment Principle

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