Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Pacify the Liver, extinguish Wind.


General Prescription

LIV-3 Taichong, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, G.B.-20 Fengchi, Du-16 Fengfu, Du-20 Baihui. Reducing
method, except on SP-6 which should be tonified.


  • LIV-3 subdues Liver-Wind.

  • SP-6 is tonified to nourish Yin and Blood which is always necessary in order to subdue
    internal Wind.

  • G.B.-20 subdues Wind (both internal and external).

  • Du-16 and Du-20 subdue internal Wind and relieve headache.

Other Points

  • S.I.-3 Houxi and BL-62 Shenmai in combination open the Governing Vessel and subdue
    internal Wind agitating within it and causing headaches. In men these two points can be
    used on their own, whilst in women they are best combined with the points to open the
    Directing Vessel, i.e. LU-7 Lieque and KI-6 Zhaohai.

Any of the local points mentioned for the Liver-Yang type of headache can be used for the
Liver-Wind type too.

Herbal Treatment


Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
(Gastrodia-Uncaria Decoction)

Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
(Calming the Liver and Subduing Wind Decoction)

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