Folio Bound VIEWS - Chinese Medicine

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Both these prescriptions have been discussed under Liver-Yang rising.


  • Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribuli terrestris extinguishes internal Wind and treats headaches,
    especially around the eyes.

  • Di Long Lumbricus subdues internal Wind and is used for chronic headaches of this type,
    especially in old people.

  • Quan Xie Buthus martensi is used for severe and chronic headaches from internal Wind.

Patent Remedies

All the patent remedies mentioned for headaches from Liver-Yang rising are also suitable for
those from Liver-Wind.

Liver-Qi Stagnation

This type of headache usually occurs on the forehead or temples. It is frequently associated with
a Stomach disharmony such as retention of food in the Stomach. The type of ache resembles that
from Stomach deficiency but it is more intense. It is not, however, throbbing like that from
Liver-Yang rising. Another characteristic of it is that it moves from one side to the other.

The headache from Liver-Qi stagnation is typically caused by anxiety and stress. Other
manifestations include hypochondrial pain or distension, nervous tension, poor digestion,
belching, flatulence, abdominal distension, small-bitty stools, sighing and a Wiry pulse.

Treatment Principle

Pacify the Liver, eliminate stagnation, calm the Mind and settle the Ethereal Soul.


General Prescription

LIV-3 Taichong, G.B.-34 Yanglingquan, L.I.-4 Hegu, ST-36 Zusanli, Du-24 Shenting, Taiyang.
LIV-3, G.B.-34 and L.I.-4 with reducing method. ST-36 with reinforcing method and the local
points with even method.


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