Explanation The first five herbs constitute the Yi Wei Tang to nourish Stomach-Yin.
Shi Hu clears Stomach Empty-Heat.
Tai Zi Shen and Bian Dou nourish Stomach- and Spleen-Yin.
This patient is making steady progress, reflected also in his T-cell count,
and is still under treatment.
Liver-Yin Deficiency
Clinical Manifestations
Headaches at the top of the head, tiredness which is worse in the afternoon, dizziness, tinnitus,
blurred vision, dry eyes, irritability, numbness of the limbs, cramps, malar flush.
Tongue: Red, without coating, dry.
Pulse: Fine-Rapid or Floating-Empty.
Liver-Yin deficiency is a further stage of Liver-Blood deficiency. Its tiredness is characterized
by being worse in the afternoon and is accompanied by a feeling of heat. Those who suffer from
deficiency of Liver-Yin should definitely rest in the afternoon by lying down preferably between
1 and 3 pm, the opposite time to "Liver-hour" (1-3 am).
Treatment Principle
Nourish Yin, strengthen the Liver.
General Prescription
Ren-4 Guanyuan, LIV-8 Ququan, SP-6 Sanyinjiao, ST-36 Zusanli. All with reinforcing method.
If there are no signs of Empty-Heat and the tongue is not very Red, a little moxa can be used
either on ST-36 or SP-6.
- Ren-4 nourishes Kidney-and Liver-Yin.
- LIV-8 nourishes Liver-Yin.