Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis.
Patent Remedy
Sai Mei An
(Race [between] Rot and Peaceful [Health])
Ge Ke Concha Cyclinae
Han Shui Shi Calcitum
Wa Leng Zi Concha Arcae
Fu Long Gan Terra Flava usta
Bing Pian Borneol
Zhong Ju Stalactitum
Zhen Zhu Margarita
This remedy can be used for several different stomach patterns as its main effect is to absorb
stomach acids and reduce sour regurgitation. It is cold in nature and is therefore better indicated
for Heat patterns of the Stomach.
As it contains many shells and minerals it may tend to weaken the Spleen if used continuously
for a long time: it should not be used for more than a few weeks at a time.
Dietary Advice
In Stomach-Heat one should avoid eating too much hot-energy food, such as game, lamb, beef
and spices. Alcohol consumption should also be kept to a minimum.
Clinical Manifestations
Burning epigastric pain, thirst with desire to drink cold water, dry mouth, severe irritability,
bleeding gums, vomiting of blood, red face, constipation.
Tongue: Red or Dark-Red body, yellow-dry coating.
Pulse: Rapid, Overflowing.
This pattern could be considered a further stage of Stomach-Heat. Heat and Fire are very similar
in nature and share common manifestations. Fire, however, is a more substantial pathogenic