- ST-40 resolves Phlegm.
- BL-21 regulates the Stomach.
Herbal Treatment
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
(Poria-Ramulus Cinnamomi-Atractylodes-Glycyrrhiza Decoction)
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae cocos 12 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae 9 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis macrocephalae 6 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis praeparata 3 g
- Fu Ling resolves Phlegm by strengthening the Spleen and draining Dampness.
- Gui Zhi helps to transform fluids by warming the Yang.
- Bai Zhu strengthens the Spleen and drains Dampness.
- Zhi Gan Cao strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes.
This formula resolves Phlegm-Fluids in the epigastrium and should be opportunely modified to
deal with epigastric pain.
- For fullness and pain of the epigastrium add Zhi Ke Fructus Citri aurantii and Hou Po
Cortex Magnoliae officinalis. - In case of vomiting add Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae ternatae.
Dietary Advice
The patient should avoid eating too much cold-energy foods and especially drinking iced drinks.